Wednesday, July 31, 2019

African American Cinema Essay

The subject of African-Americans in Motion Pictures provides some of the most interesting studies along with the many controversial interpretations of the roles as actors they played on screen. As far back as the silent films era, African-Americans have been featured in motion pictures playing roles depicting some aspect of acting and being purveyors of a black image. The messages or themes of these movies have over the years presented a mixture of images based upon what was thought to please the viewers of each particular film. Unfortunately, many of those films showed black characters in negative stereotypical roles, which the average African-Americans would never truly identify as being like themselves. Since many of our American icons and heroes have come from our motion picture stars, we need to understand what this narrow view presented and compare it with what we presently see at our local cinema today. The movies Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner (1967), Shaft (1971), Do The Right Thing (1989), Boys n the Hood (1991), and Menace to Society (1993) show a thematic style and stereotypes in the way that black films have progressed over the years. The motion picture industry was never too quick to change their approach in presenting African-Americans in realistic roles depicting social or civil conditions in an integrated context. Many of these roles required scenes showing African-Americans in positions of authority or relating to white Americans in a positive way. This Integration Period therefore brought together African-American actors with scenes along side white actors in roles showing both players dealing with racial conflict and resolution. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner was truly a unique film for its time in that Sidney Poitier’s character breaks all the stereotypical views of blacks in American Cinema. In the early 1930’s blacks were portrayed as lower class, slow-witted figures of entertainment, often showed in menstrual shows. Poitier’s character broke all these stereotypes. 1971 brought to the big screen a successive series of superhero black or â€Å"blaxploitation† films. Shaft was released in 1971, and Richard Roundtree was the superman black hero detective. He was compared by many to the white James Bond. Related to Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, Shaft took it up a notch in showing a black man as a hero. Poitier’s role was one to equalize whites and blacks in their roles in American cinema, but Shaft showed a black man who was an authoritative figure. Different themes can be mixed in between the two movies. They both show an intelligent black man that has a grip on reality. Both movies showed themes of how integration has struck America. They differ though on a level in that Shaft was a black dominant cast and Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner was predominantly white. Do the Right Thing, Boyz n the Hood, and Menace to Society were all produced in a more modern era, hence the fact that they all have similar racial themes. The films all paint a picture of urban Black America in their time period. All three films are thought to be racially reactionary films aimed at the psyche of both black and white viewers. The movies were all a success due to the touched topics of racial situations, ethnic tensions, and human encounters of anger. The superb casts of both black and white actors made the motion picture industry aware of a newer avenue for films and race relations. African-Americans in motion pictures in today’s expanding world of visual imagery can be seen on many expanding fronts. We see the making of motion pictures on subjects or themes which can be taken from history, life experiences, music, and unexplored events. Today’s markets are open, and African-Americans are taking advantage of these open door opportunities. Actors and actresses are expanding their roles from stage acting to movies to TV miniseries to video cassettes or discs, and roles taken from books, plus movie soundtracks. In our world today African-American actors and actresses will always have a place in American Cinema and their future looks bright and promising.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Case study of dove soap Essay

â€Å"I think Canada was just really ready for it,† says Aviva Groll, group account director at Ogilvy, who has worked on Dove since 2004. â€Å"There was a lot of support internally at Unilever, it struck a chord†¦ [It was] a time of great experimentation and great leadership that allowed that to happen. † Groll also notes that having the budget available and co-operation amongst the product categories to allow for a campaign centred on the brand as a whole meant everything fell into place for a Canada-first launch. What followed was unexpected buzz as the campaign gained traction around the world, becoming a major water cooler topic before the days of social media spreading ideas like wildfire. New Dove products were launched using the same creative idea – showing real women with different hair types, skin types and body types, loving themselves and their favourite Dove products, often in their underwear. While the water cooler buzz and media attention escalated (Oprah had those underwear-clad women on her show), one of the most talked-about aspects of the campaign came as a complete surprise to MacLeod and her team – the viral power of striking the right chord. By now, almost everyone has seen the â€Å"Evolution† video on YouTube (12 million people and counting), depicting a woman who gets transformed, through makeup and Photoshop, into a model, proving that even The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today. The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today. The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today. The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today. The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today. The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today. The Dove billboard can easily be compared to the story of the â€Å"World of Wrestling† from Barthes Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is described as a myth for the simple reason that the audience doesn’t care if a wrestling match is rigged, but rather what it is seeing taking place. They don’t think about reality or truth. In fact, they really don’t think at all; they see (Barthes 2000, p. 15). This can be applied to the Dove advertisement because the audience is only engaged with what it sees, not with the truth and persuasion of the ad. The target audience doesn’t realize that what they’re seeing was all a process to evoke a certain message and get them to think a certain way about their product or have meaning to the audience. And think a certain way they did. Ultimately Dove’s daring strategy increased their sales and market share. Women were able to connect to the ad, which in turn made them buy the product. The campaign led to the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove even more media exposure with the making of YouTube videos and clips. As one can see, Dove successfully turned around their advertising tactics, which led to increased sales and changed feelings toward Dove products. These products were the same beauty products before and after the new campaign, but successful advertising allowed for people to view the products as something totally different. According to the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic Needle Model, mass media has a powerful influence over people, and can deliberately alter or control the mass audiences’ behaviour. I suppose this is not in argument today.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Study Profolio - 4 topics 2500 words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Study Profolio - 4 topics 2500 words - Essay Example Without the synthesis, the intentions and visions remain just that. Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s position adopts an alternative perspective – some may say a searing commentary – of the prevailing management misapplication of what has become a buzzword. Possible motivations aside, the views he expresses are actually pragmatic and constructive. It is true that many companies are run according to â€Å"strategic plans† which, in the end, fail to provide truly concrete directions when seen at the operations level. The down to earth writing style and direct approach of Mintzberg produces the sort of literature that holds the attention of management practitioners on the lookout for fresh theoretical approaches to practical management problems. By drawing attention to the shortcomings of common practice, Mintzberg is able to contribute an added dimension to the link between management theory and practice that would provide real results for the company. 235 As is expected of a textbook chapter, the selection is explanatory and descriptive. The author explains the differences in business strategy based on the position of the firm in the industrial chain and the particular applications that generic strategies bear on the hospitality and tourism business. The definitions cited by the chapter are succinct and focused, as well as the concepts of the level of strategy. One of the novel discussion presented in the text is the approach taken in the various gaps left uncovered by the current business strategy. The concept of gap analysis as presented in the text is an important one. Usually, when business managers come together at a strategic planning session, they approach the coming strategy formulation as if they were facing a clean slate. The emphasis is on the new strategy, new methods, new directions; whereas, little attention is paid to the problems of the past, as to how or where the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Lucifer and Jesus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Lucifer and Jesus - Essay Example From the beginning, all angels were created equal and holy, but a third of them rebelled against God and fell from their pure state. They were led by the Satan, a liar, murderer and thief. "He hates God and passionately hates God's people" (Stover). It is important to remember that Satan and all the demons are very powerful and brilliant, disguising themselves as an angel of light. Lucifer is the angel of light. God's good angels on the other hand work quietly and work for God. He will always speak of God's glory and their purpose is to redeem us from our sin and help us return back to God. They do not accept worship, but direct you to worship God. They are not bound by mantras or command anyone by their word. Holy angels like Jesus are compassionate, loving and forgiving. They live to serve God, and God's people (Stover). The image of God as the ultimate commander is quite impressive and magnificent. It is important to know that God uses his "messengers" which are aptly described to us by the Greek word: angels. The Biblical image of the universe as described in the Genesis, Mathews, says Revelation is that of universe which is vibrating with life everywhere. The cosmos is heavily inhabited by wide range of angelic beings of various ranks and species. "Angels are very closely associated with the astronomical phenomena throughout Bible" (Dolphin). The weather is also greatly a result of such activity where wind, storm and lightning are considered as the actions of God, carried out by his messengers. Angels play an important role in acting as blessing as well a curse depending upon their bent of inclination. Since angels are the powers of God, they never rest; everything in this universe is sustained by the animated energy of the angels, working faithfully at the command of God. Martin Luther very aptl y makes the comment regarding a natural calamity, in which he bases his interpretation in harmony with the message in the Psalm stating that winds have wings. "The devil provokes such storms, but good winds are produced by good angels. Winds are nothing but spirits, either good or evil. The devil sits there and snorts, and so do the angels when the winds are salubrious"(Dolphin)."The Biblical worldview is uncompromising: God is running the world. Every atom in the universe is under His command. His Word created and sustains in Him. That is why He can assert His power and authority in such absolute terms." "I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity, I, the LORD, do all these things"(Isaiah 45:7) (Dolphin). The creation of angels is the most speculated in the Biblical analysis; it has been referred to that angels were created during creation week after Genesis. "An Angel is a spiritual being subordinate to God, who serves at Gods command and pleasure to deliver his messages, help his people and punish his enemies" (Achtemeier). They did not exist before that, they were also the observers of the work of creation. There is deep connection between angels and stars, which further reveals that angels were created one by one, and named as all stars are named. "He determines the number of the stars, he gives to all of them their names" (Psalm 147:4) (Dolphin). Though angels belong to particular rank and order, they are not connected as a race. One fact

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Reinforced Concrete Beam Behavior in Bending Research Paper

Reinforced Concrete Beam Behavior in Bending - Research Paper Example ProcedureThe setup of the apparatus involved a beam that was in the machine with the gauge across the beam’s depth. It was loaded in flexure. The load in the concrete beam was increased uniformly from 0KN up to a load of 41.95KN. From the gauge reading taken, there was very little deflection at the beginning. The increase of the load was gradual. The beam first had a crack at the bottom when the load applied in the middle of the beam reached 10KN. There was a record of all gauge readings and deflections with each increment. Further increments of 2KN followed but with only the deflection readings recorded.   At the point where the beam deflection started increasing rapidly, the deflection gauge was removed. The beam was then loaded up to failure. The beam failed at 41.95 KN.The table below shows the results of the observations and readings from the gauge and applied load in the experiment.  DiscussionI. The development of cracksThe beam experience different loading conditio ns where the deflection on of the beam indicated the effect of the load on the beam. More increases to the load took the concrete beam to its elastic limit. Beyond the elastic limit, the beam experience permanent deformation. At a load of 10KN, the beam started developing cracks as it had reached its elastic limit. The cracked section demonstrates the behaviour of the material. It was elastic with light loads but with high loads, it became plastic and cracks started to appear.

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 21

Economics - Essay Example The sellers have an ‘insignificant’ market share in a perfectly competitive market, implying that each firm is acting as a price-taker. In monopolistic competition, on the other hand, has as many producers and consumers as the perfect competition. Producers enjoy a degree of control over price. The products sold and purchased in a perfectly competitive market are homogeneous, which are perfect substitutes for each other. In contrast, the products sold in the monopolistically competitive market are heterogeneous. In other words, when a large number of buyers and sellers interact to buy and sell heterogeneous products we have monopolistic competition. Thus, a monopolistically competitive market differs with a perfectly competitive market mostly because of product differentiation, i.e. products are not perfect substitutes. Monopolistic competition involves many aspects of non-price competition. Marginal Revenue (MR) =Marginal Cost (MC) = Price (P) =Average Revenue (AR) = Average Cost (AC). In short run, new firms enter the market, in case the existing firms are making supernormal profits, thereby making reallocation of resources within the market. Given demand remains unchanged, the increased output (with new firms entering the market) shifts the aggregate supply curve to the right and drives the equilibrium market price down until price equates long run average cost. Thus, long run equilibrium is established as firms having no incentives now to move in or out of the market. Hence, in the long run firms make normal profits. In perfect competition ‘allocative efficiency’ is achieved, both in short run and long run, since price equates marginal cost. Production efficiency, occurring when price is equal to average cost at its minimum, is, however, achieved only in the long run. Combining the two, it can be said in the long run optimal levels of ‘static economic efficiency’ is reached in perfect competition. MR

Friday, July 26, 2019

Kierkegaard and Man's Search for Meaning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Kierkegaard and Man's Search for Meaning - Essay Example The religious stage, it is a leap of faith, and God being our fulfillment it becomes clear as we discover the adequacy of existence. God’s existence is suggested in our awareness of self-alienation and cannot be collapsed into scientific inquiry. Without risk, they are no faith and truth must be inward reality and cannot simply be grasped at cognitively. The venture chooses an objective uncertainly with passion of infinite (George 77). Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as felid believed. The largest task for any person is to find meaning of life. Frank saw three possible sources of meanings in working, love and courage in difficult times. Forces beyond your control can take every thing possible expect your freedom to choose on how to respond on situations. Man, however, can live or even die for the sake of values and ideas. Statistical survey explained that 78% percent said that making money was their first goal in life. Neurogenic neuroses do not come from conflict between drives and instincts but rather from existing problems. It is a frustration often eventuates in sexual compensation (George 67). Ultimately, man should not ask the meaning of life rather he recognizes that it is who is being asked Love is the only way to grasp another human innermost core of his personality. No one can be fully aware of every essence of another human unless he loves him. It emphasizes that is an ultimate purpose of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Financial Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial Plan - Assignment Example Vending machine being the most important asset is the first to be purchased. A vendor machine cost 200 and purchases for fifty machines were made and distributed at each location. Products provide are; meals, drinks and snacks at each vendor. As I begin, drinks are bought at four dollars and sold at five dollars realizing a profit of a dollar per drink. Meals are bought at .75 and sold at a dollar similarly to snacks realizing a profit of a .25 dollar per meal and snack. The units per the product served rise at a half percent in semiannual basis during the five year period. After every 6 months we increased purchases by half of the previous period up to the third year. For the fourth year and fifth year, the purchases were 400 units, 2000 units and 2000 units per month for meals, snacks and drinks respectively. This help account for business growth and development of the business. At the starting periods many variable assets are inclusive thus the reason of lower starting stock, as p rogress is made profits are realized within the period thus on the third year we replaced 10 vending machines that were

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Raw's paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Raw's - Term Paper Example Your idea is conventional; furthermore, it is in your best interest that the largest numbers of customers share the benefits. Indeed, corporations are widely revered for their success in the business world. The first major advantage of this model is limited liability of the stakeholders of the business (McQuaig & Billie 751). In case the business is declared, bankrupt or is engaged in a very expensive lawsuit the stakeholders are only entitled to pay amounts equivalent to their holding in the company. This assures the stakeholders that the debt will not exceed their personal property as experienced in sole proprietorships and partnerships. If the credits owed are not payable, there will be liquidation of the assets. This limits any personal obligation of the company’s stakeholders on the debt of the entity. This can guarantee the stakeholders a soft landing despite the unfavorable conditions since their personal property is intact. Secondly, a corporation is a distinct legal person illustrating that it has its jurisdiction. This means that the firm will possess its own property, engage in contracts, acquire, and terminate its possessions. This is beneficial, as the property of the firm will not be attached to individuals. However, the company will utilize this independently to satisfy the objectives of the firm. In legal proceedings, it is the company that is indicated and not the owners or employees of the firm (McQuaig & Billie 751). The business can pursue its operations when the executives are relieved of their positions. In sole proprietorship, the business is not separate from the owner; therefore, the proprietor determines the dissemination of resources in the organization. A contract is not detachable from a sole proprietor since his signature certifies the deal and he is obligated to fulfill the requirements. Since he is not eligible for the same exception as a corporation,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Communication management introduction Assignment - 1

Communication management introduction - Assignment Example Communication management is very diverse; it is also concerned with the process of developing corporate communication strategies, designing internal and external communications directives and strategies as well as managing the flow of information where online communication processes are also involved brand (May &Mumby2005). Development in information and communication technologies brings about the need for constant innovation on the part of communications managers in order to remain relevant in business practice (Pauley & Joseph 2009). Learners, who are organizational managers in this case, will be required to observe the following important rules in order to enjoy the program; first, it will be important that they make a good first impression in class. Research has always brought the important of a first impression in various instances, in this program; a good first impression to the professor especially on the first day will portray a serious and pleasant student, something that is likely to earn you the benefit of doubt as much as grades are concerned. Class attendance has to be done regularly and on time, this is an important rule in other areas of life. Students need to know that it is pretty hard for professors to notice you negatively wandering in class after the lecture has begun. This rule seems obvious that it ought not to be said, however, in every class, there will always be an absentee or one student who occasionally comes late. One should try to find a comfortable place to sit particularly at the front or center of the classroom; this is the best place where one is not distracted. In addition, sitting at this place makes one to follow easily the lecture proceedings and make notes. Students who like sitting at the back of the class are often assumed to be either lazy or shy, especially those who prefer positions in the corner of the room. Managers are expected to be alert all the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Information Technology Management Essay Example for Free

Information Technology Management Essay Information and communication technologies play critical roles in sustaining an organizations growth and profitability (Galliers Leidner, 2003). If managed properly, investments in information and communication technologies can improve efficiency and effectiveness of business processes and an organization’s competitive posture in the market. Proper management of information and communication technologies investments can also enrich people’s lives in the organization improving job satisfaction and productivity. Galliers Leidner, 2003). Success in managing information and communication investments depend largely on exercising good management practices like human capital management, staff training management, information technology architecture management and software management (Galliers Leidner, 2003). However, with all the potential benefits of investments in information and communication projects, they can be risky, costly and unproductive if not managed properly (Galliers Leidner, 2003). Organizations should therefore strive to attract and retain information technology personnel that are qualified and talented to ensure the success of information and technology investments. This is further complicated by a tight information and technology labor market where qualified information and technology personnel enjoy high mobility. Discussion The position I am required to design is a leadership position intended to provide technical direction and guide an organization in implementing strategic information and communication projects (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, 2010). The occupant of this position is expected to be able to handle a wide range of duties and responsibilities. He or she should be able to use his/ her exposure, technical experience and business knowledge in developing an organization’s technical plans and to advise senior management on information technology strategies, standards and governance (Galliers Leidner, 2003). In addition he or she will be expected to monitor the industry’s trends in information technology and respond appropriately by formulating long term information technology strategies capable of improving an organization’s competitiveness. The senior information technology manager will work under the general supervision of the chief executive officer. In line with work plans and resource allocation coordination provided by the chief executive officer, he or she will be responsible for effective planning, supervision and delivery of assigned functions that fall within an information and communication department (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, 2010) so as to ensure that an organization’s requirements for information systems and information technology are effectively and efficiently met. He will also be responsibility for ensuring that an organization’s computer systems have the capacity to meet the business needs of an organization by either upgrading existing systems or developing new systems (Info Tech Employment, 2008). Additional functions will include participation in planning, coordinating and setting policies for the development and implementation of an organization’s information technology strategies, supporting standards, procedures and practices, supervising and coordinating works of external firms in special projects or functions to ensure quality and timely delivery, providing consultant services in regards to procurement of new information technology equipments and computer systems, supervising members of staff assigned to special projects or functions and coordinating their training and development to ensure that they are up to the tasks and finally, developing and monitoring key performance indicators of assigned functions within an information technology department (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, 2010). The senior information technology manager is expected to have an excellent working knowledge in information technology and a commitment to keep up to dat e with the latest development (Galliers Leidner, 2003). He should demonstrate people’s management skills with an ability to motivate staff members, provide a cooperative and productive work environment, manage resources effectively to achieve objectives, organize and coordinate work in the department and explain technical issues clearly (Info Tech Employment, 2008). He or she will be tasked with leading changes that fall within the information technology department, hence must be able to integrate organizational and departmental goals, priorities and values. In addition, he or she should have experience in managing large scale projects in information systems and technology (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, 2010). To fulfill these expectations, a university degree in computer science or related fields and appropriate professional certifications are mandatory. Moreover, the candidate of choice should have at least five years management experience in information technology. He should demonstrate experience with standard software applications and data manipulation, analysis and interpretation tools (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, 2010). Conclusion Information technology investments can be very beneficial to an organization as a whole if they are managed properly. Organizations should therefore strive to hire and retain qualified, experienced and talented information technology managers. This is not easy given the current information technology labor market. The labor market is characterized by high mobility of qualified labor and organizations must put in place effective measures to ensure they hire the right people. One of the measures an organization should take is defining clear structures and responsibilities of all employees in the information technology department. The senior information technology manager will provide technical direction and guidance to the organization in implementing strategic information technology projects. He will be responsible for ensuring effective and efficient management of resources within the information technology department.